Rooted Queen Forever: A Self Love Revolution
A Self Love Revolution
1 year ago

Strategies for Success with Michael Mosley

Episode 7

This episode is all about Strategies for Success, helping you confidently step into leadership, purposefully, intentionally, and mindfully. 

How does your work affect your relationships? How does your relationship affect your work? The answers might surprise you. 

Build a strong foundation.

Get on the same page about your goals.

Figure out how best to communicate about day-to-day issues.

When things get tense, call a time-out.

Create a division of labor.

Be intentional about time away from work.

Savor the experience.

You pour your blood, sweat, tears, and a whole lot of money into building and growing your business. When you’re building a business with your significant other, the stakes are even higher. Your personal and professional lives are completely intertwined. But while there is risk, the reward for many couples can be enormous.

Sign off: Stay rooted, stay grounded, and ALWAYS come home to yourself.

Theme Song: "Hey Queen" by A Beautiful Chorus

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